Maximum Ride

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 at 9:50 PM
I thought I'd say a little something about one of my favorite series. Now I do have quite a handful of favorite series but this is in the top three. I am talking about the Maximum Ride series by James Patterson. I can not say enough good things about Patterson, but he is such a good writer and I just can't seem to help myself. I seriously can not get enough of his writing. So, right now to "Max." Okay, first and foremost, this series is completely awesome! All the novels are faced-paced and filled with action and, a lot of the time secret, romance. Now I know any guys that have just read that last sentence just lost interest, but guys I promise you it's not mushy, lovey romance. It's pretty cool, plus it happens over all 5 (so far) books. There is a lot of "kick-butt" action that most guys, and gals, will like. The main characters of the series are: Max, the leader, Fang, he's like the second in command, Iggy, Gazzy, Angel, and the most recent "member," Total. And yes, Total is a dog. The Flock, as they call themselves, are always trying to be killed, captured, or tortured by anything at any certain time. In the most recent book, MAX, we are introduced to new bad guys. Well, if you can call them guys. They are more like machines, but I won't go into detail because I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't read it. You may be thinking that it will take you a lot of time to catch up if you begin at the first novel. I promise that you will not want to put these books down once you pick them up. I go through them like I'm reading a brochure. Now if you are thinking that you'll skip the first two or three novels and just pick up from there, I'm glad to say that you really can't. This is because another feature that I really enjoy that James Patterson does. If there is something mentioned in..say the fifth book that talks about something in the second book, Patterson actually tells you to go back and read the previous novels to know what the character is talking about. I absolutely love that he does this. The Twilight series does the total opposite and it drives me insane. I read and entire chapter or two that is pretty much nothing but recap from the previous novels. Don't get me wrong, I really, really enjoy the Twilight series, but more on that on another day. Back to Max and the Flock. There is something very important that you must know about the Flock, and that is that they all are human/avian hybrids. Yes, even the dog is a canine/avian hybrid. Being that they are all part bird, they all have wings. This means that they can all fly. Wouldn't that be awesome?! Right now, I'll give you the links for James Patterson's site here - Here is the link to the Maximum Ride (and other James Patterson series) - I really hope you enjoy checking out these novels. Once again, they are totally awesome!


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